Two decent women account for one decent man.
Among women, the sad statement is often heard that there are few decent men. Strangely…

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Do we have a love or a deal?
[caption id="attachment_165" align="alignleft" width="300"] [/caption] To the article "How to determine whether it is love…


Kiss as an expression of emotions Kiss is one of the ways to express human…

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About the conquest of women
Periodically I hear that a woman needs to be conquered (to conquer). Once I almost…

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Cupboard love

Men (especially young) are often outraged: both partners get equal pleasure from love (and Hindus believe that women’s pleasure is nine times stronger than male), and still the gentleman has to win a lady, as if it is only he who needs … To give presents , to eat, to win dragons … Someone, after reading Weininger, believes in the originally evil nature of a woman, someone complains about the grave legacy of the past, when a woman was economically dependent, and all her acquisitions could be just gifts. Continue reading

Notes of love

Love has its intonations and its notes – like the notes in a song. Who knows how to sing, he knows that the song consists of repetitive intonations, which are combined into a beautiful melody. So is love: whoever knows how to love, knows and feels that love is made up of different notes flowing into each other, connecting into a love song.
1. We are relatives.
My dear, close person. You are well with you and you can relax.
2. I admire you.
You are beautiful and wonderful! Continue reading

Love and affection

If people are in a close relationship, then naturally, attachment will naturally arise between them. Attachment, as a habit of intimacy and a desire for intimacy, is the natural basis of love.
Can there be one without the other? Yes, quite, and it is not uncommon. It can be both love without affection, and affection without love.
Here is the family. In her constant quarrels, claims, offenses and very sincere scenes of jealousy. Continue reading