Two decent women account for one decent man.
Among women, the sad statement is often heard that there are few decent men. Strangely…

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Wedding: what seems to be before and what happens after
Dima, after the wedding: “I was wrong in Nadya. She turned out to be better…


Oxytocin causes married men to stay away from temptresses
PROBLEM: As you know, oxytocin, a hormone secreted by the pituitary gland (especially during orgasm…

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How to make up with a guy?
Objectively, it is easier for a girl to make up with a guy than a…

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Pictures of happiness and love

Happiness pictures – images-pictures, applying which to life, we learn: “This is happiness!” If there are no happiness pictures, you can live in the most comfortable conditions, many luck may fall to your lot, but you won’t think that you are happy. The one who has many (enough) pictures of happiness and does not forget to use them, notices in life (draws from his life) his happiness.
In order to escape from the garret of sadness into the World of light and joy, begin to fix those moments that bring you joy.
… You come out of a dark entrance, and the sun is shining outside, buds are swelling, and the smell of spring is in the air. Happiness? Yes! Remember this moment, enter into your body the memory of happiness from going out, and you will soon feel happiness every morning, as soon as you leave the entrance!
… Or – you are lying on a sandy beach, you hear the sound of the sea, and a pleasant, slightly cool breeze blows your skin … You relaxed and felt so calm and blissful that you felt like a harmonious part of the beautiful World. Remember this moment. Lock it with all receptors.
Collect such pictures, soak in such pictures, and soon you will notice how much easier it is for you to live with a smile and an experience of happiness.
Yes, but besides the pictures of happiness, there are pictures of love: those are our inner images, which we apply to life: “This is love!”
Sometimes the pictures of love are very simple: for example, to meet and kiss. Really want to kiss – and kiss. And kiss, feeling the pleasure and his, and the delight of his beloved … his beloved …
Or: you wake up, and on the table are fresh flowers that your husband brought to you. And this is not March 8, but an ordinary day. Why? Because you are dear to him, because he loves you!
Yes, everything is fine, but what is the fundamental difference? And is she there? It seems that the image of love is the same image of happiness, only in it there is a loved one. And, in fact, what difference does it make us happy: a delicious chocolate bar or a pleasant romantic evening?
There is a difference, but not for everyone. For a person who means consumer love by the word “love”, she also wants love, there is no difference between the pictures of happiness and pictures of love. The carrier of such love is primarily concerned with his personal interests and desires, and he perceives love and a loved one only as one of the sources of pleasure.
For such a person, a loved one is not much different from a tasty apple: “You are my sweetie!”. The love of an apple is manifested during its eating, when it gives pleasure to its taste. And when a stub remains from an apple, it ceases to be of any interest, and love ends there.
With such love, it is quite possible to take care of, but this is not about your loved one, it is about yourself. They also take care of expensive and necessary things to serve and rejoice longer.
However, there are other people – those for whom there is love giving, it is love-care. The bearer of the giving love really cares about the one it loves. For him, the interests of a loved one are either on the same level as his own, or higher. And therefore for him pictures of love will be such situations where he gives happiness to his beloved, and this makes himself happy.
In the pictures of love giving love, happiness is given to loved ones, and in pictures of consumer love – from loved ones is taken.
What kind of love do you have? Continue reading

How to make up with a girl?

To make peace with a girl and restore a relationship with her, you first need to ask her for forgiveness. Do not know how – learn (for example, at the University of practical psychology), but if you were wrong, you are sorry and ask for forgiveness. If you like a girl, you have more flowers.
At the same time, there are frequent situations when both sides were wrong – you and the girl as well. So, in this case, all the same, we begin by asking for forgiveness, flowers and restoring the relationship. And then – options. If a girl is smart and appreciates you, then after that we discuss her behavior. If a girl is only a girl and does not yet consider it necessary to think, then direct conversation is meaningless. Justice will not be here, it is still inevitable. Earn yourself a different price in the marriage market, become more expensive in the eyes of the girl, and when she really starts to value you, then in case of a quarrel – after a quarrel – you can discuss both your and her behavior. Continue reading

Love, relationships

Red: “Love and Relationship”
“To live with love.” If you loved yourself, people, things, things – what would you feel? How would you behave, how did you look, react, relate? As with the desire of what result would you work at the Distance? For what, for whom would you master the exercises?
“Who is the navel of the earth?” With your attention, make life and other people, not yourself. Listening, immerse yourself in the soul, body and work of the interlocutor, live his life. Get used to looking at everything first of all from the point of view of the person who is right next to you, and only then – from your bell tower. Practice jumping, work into the state of the interlocutor. Continue reading