Love men and women
When people talk about love, they most often mean love between a man and a…

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Love and psychological conflict
We are selfish by nature. Therefore, in our relationship, from the very beginning, a psychological…


Male and female needs for love
Men in love and intimacy are important in their strength and ability, the lack of…

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Oxytocin causes married men to stay away from temptresses
PROBLEM: As you know, oxytocin, a hormone secreted by the pituitary gland (especially during orgasm…

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color and enrich

Notes of love

Love has its intonations and its notes – like the notes in a song. Who knows how to sing, he knows that the song consists of repetitive intonations, which are combined into a beautiful melody. So is love: whoever knows how to love, knows and feels that love is made up of different notes flowing into each other, connecting into a love song.
1. We are relatives.
My dear, close person. You are well with you and you can relax.
2. I admire you.
You are beautiful and wonderful! Continue reading