Scientific way to save love, 100% guarantee
Arthur Aron, an American psychologist, is known not only for 36 questions with which you…

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Love and psychological conflict
We are selfish by nature. Therefore, in our relationship, from the very beginning, a psychological…


Oxytocin causes married men to stay away from temptresses
PROBLEM: As you know, oxytocin, a hormone secreted by the pituitary gland (especially during orgasm…

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Knight in shining armor
In the heart of every man there lives a hero or a knight in shining…

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How to determine this love or love?

I want so much to be loved! Without love, life can be full and fun, exciting and contented, but as long as a person is alive, the heart still asks for love. And when the heart asks and the head is turned off, confusion begins: what is it about – about love or falling in love?
Love and love have many common features and signs. He wants to cuddle up to his beloved, thoughts strive to him, when he comes in, attention is magnetically riveted on him … – everything is like that, but this feeling may not be love, but only love. How to figure it out? How to determine this love or love? Continue reading

Love and psychological conflict

We are selfish by nature. Therefore, in our relationship, from the very beginning, a psychological conflict is already hidden – if I cannot live without a loved one, then I cannot do anything without it.
I think of a loved one. I am writing sms-ki favorite person. I fantasize about meeting. I remember the past.
On the other hand, if I realize myself in some kind of activity, then to the detriment of love. And how to be here? Continue reading

What is love worth?

“I love you!” – what are these words worth?
“I love you, dear, but today is football, and football is dearer to me than you!”
“I love you, honey, but my child does not want us to meet, and I am writing this farewell letter to you …”
The value of the beloved and the beloved has always been influenced by local culture and accepted patterns. Thus, in the medieval culture, the Lady of the Heart always stood above the wife. Continue reading