Loved need attention signs
In life, everything happens. There are situations in life when a separate time is needed…

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Our expectations.
Falling asleep in the evening, we expect that tomorrow will be morning. Leaving the train,…


Scale Love
Its task is to assess its own attitude to love and determine the direction for…

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Love and psychological conflict
We are selfish by nature. Therefore, in our relationship, from the very beginning, a psychological…

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They quarrel with you – it means you are needed!

A cat came to the man’s house. She came to the man and stayed with him, because here she was warm and comfortable. She was beautiful and did not hide her beauty, she could be ironed, and then she purred. When a man just sat, she gladly rubbed on his legs. Hardly she stroked him like this, to a greater degree she received stroking herself. But it suited the man, and he left the kitty. And then … Then the kitty settled down: she began to meow loudly when there was no milk in the bowl, she was no longer a guest lying on the bed, but the hostess, and when she was driven away, she hurt her claws and scratched. And it was already impossible to understand whether it was a joke or seriously.
However, the cat can CLIMB on the bed carefully, and always LIES – the mistress. This cat already did not even climb – it was the hostess who jumped into the bed.
And today the man kisu drives out. He tells her: “Get out of bed!” – but the kitty just stretched. The man got up and slapped her – the kitty lazily jumped off the bed and left the room offended. And then she returned, looking at him with reproach. The man read his newspaper and stubbornly did not look at the puss, but she came up and began to rub against his leg again. He said to her angrily: “Go away, tired!”, The kitty thought and went to her kitchen, to her sour cream.
The next evening, kitty again sat on his lap.
… Kisa will not leave him, because she is wise. She will be with him, because she needs him, and also because he knows that she is – such – a man needs. room offended He needs to expel someone today, and he has no one except her. He will chase her away, but she will definitely return, because:
Every woman is a cat. She always walks by herself and always chooses her owners, who will let her go and give her the fattest sour cream.
This man kept his door open, and a woman came to him. She came to the man, because here she was warm and comfortable. She was beautiful and did not hide her beauty, she could be ironed, and then she purred. She did not care if she was needed here: she knew that she wanted to be here. And she knew that the one who does not want her is a fool. Well, fool. The man was not a fool and wanted her. Some time And then … Then the woman settled down: she began to express dissatisfaction when the man paid her less attention than she would like, she went around the house not as a guest, but as a hostess, and when she was made to understand that she was not invited to this position she pissed offendedly: “You do not respect me as a person!” And it was already impossible to understand whether it was a joke or seriously.
And today a man says bad words to a woman. He tells her: “I don’t need you!”, He tells her: “Go away!” And she strokes his arm and looks at him warmly and carefully.
She – will not leave. A man will be angry, say harsh words to her, prove that they have to leave, but she will not leave. He will insult her, she will cry with the same and hurt more, they will say terrible things to each other – but they will be together for a long time. She won’t leave. Or, having left, will definitely return.
A woman will not leave him anywhere, because she is a woman. She will be with him, because she needs him, and also because he knows that she is – such – a man needs. She knows that the heart of a man is pleased with this evening entertainment, this game of chasing. It seems that today he needs to fight, and she happily appeared next. And now he finds out if he can drive her away from himself, she proves to him that this will not work for him. They do not want to disperse at all, they simply measure themselves.
She sees how he is threateningly inflated, how much he puts his soul into a conversation with her. And if she leaves – with whom will he quarrel so mentally? Yes, he is just afraid that she will leave. Now he has a relationship with her, but if she leaves, she will be left unattended. And the woman knows it. Argue with her – it means she is needed.
A woman will leave when a man stops quarreling with her. When conversations cease, when he no longer needs to prove anything to her, and when her words, even the most offensive, will fly past him into the void – as if from a stranger. He will leave or she will leave – it doesn’t matter anymore, they will part. They will part because the Games are over and the main thing is decided: “We are parting.” Accepted – mind. And it was decided – the heart.
And what to do with it? We won’t give hints to women, because wise cats are good without our recommendations. Recommendations are needed by those who clarify relationships with cats, worry about their tears and try to negotiate with them … According to science, this is called codependency and can last for years. In fact, everything is solved simply, but only those who are not being driven to tears are really not afraid to part (they are ready to part), they know how to negotiate and follow the format.