Love: sweet sickness of body and soul
Being in love is a trance state of charm and admiration, attraction and affection, a…

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A real woman is always a cat
The girl blooms into a girl, the girl becomes a woman and goes hunting. Considering…


The Tale of Parting
For people who are prone to worry, parting is a rich, beloved tale, accompanied by…

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The power of love: how loved - loved?
How do we understand that this is love, not cheap? How do we define the…

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pictures are hung

Love and relationship

Love and relationships are different things. There are couples with fiery and bright love – and with difficult, ill, unresolved relationships. There are couples with well-built and mutually supportive relationships, where, in principle, there is no love. Satisfaction, convenience, pleasantness – is, it is difficult to talk about love.
Love is one thing, good relationships are another. There may be wonderful, well-established relationships, but no love. There may be passionate love, but no relationship (not built, useless, not established, or even difficult). Continue reading