Love languages
The language of love is the form and way in which one person gives his…

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Love Formula
The formula of love should not be confused with the formula of love. The formula…


How to find your person
How to find your own person - one or the other with whom you want…

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The Tale of Parting
For people who are prone to worry, parting is a rich, beloved tale, accompanied by…

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waiting for

Our expectations.

Falling asleep in the evening, we expect that tomorrow will be morning. Leaving the train, the girl expects from the guy a hand on which she can lean. The expectations of adequate people is an idea of ​​what is likely to happen.
However, there are other expectations. If I’m really looking forward to writing, my desire, my WANT, and my belief that I MUST write a letter are behind this. Wishes and beliefs, our WANT and confidence that SOMEONE SOMETHING SHOULD be the basis of subjective expectations, which are associated with dreams and excitement, experiences and disassembly. Continue reading