A real woman is always a cat
The girl blooms into a girl, the girl becomes a woman and goes hunting. Considering…

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Lightning strike
He didn’t like someone who didn’t immediately fall in love, ”said William Shakespeare. And how…


Our expectations.
Falling asleep in the evening, we expect that tomorrow will be morning. Leaving the train,…

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The power of love: how loved - loved?
How do we understand that this is love, not cheap? How do we define the…

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set her

I do not like those who like me

“I don’t like those who like me. And those I like, I don’t like me!” – a very common sadness (often female) and a topic for consultation. What is worth thinking about?
It must be admitted that there is a completely real circumstance behind this: there are indeed fewer normal men than normal women. If we do not consider the elite and the sludge (it is difficult to reach the elite, but the sludge is not interesting to us), then on average the ratio of decent women and men is two to one. That is, two women have to fight for the attention of one normal man. It is sad, but it is. This should be taken as a fact and simply reflect on what you can personally do in such a difficult situation.
And what really can be done? Continue reading