Love languages
The language of love is the form and way in which one person gives his…

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What does it mean for you to love?
If you and I love each other - and we mean the same thing -…


What is love worth?
"I love you!" - what are these words worth? "I love you, dear, but today…

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Scale Love
Its task is to assess its own attitude to love and determine the direction for…

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Love languages

Love languages

The language of love is the form and way in which one person gives his love to another.
Love has its tongues. If you talk about your love in a language incomprehensible to your beloved, your love will remain incomprehensible to him. Your love to another person needs to be communicated in a language that is close and understandable to him. And there are a lot of languages ​​in love: someone has a closer language of words, someone has a language of actions, someone has a language of touches … Continue reading