Mathematicians have
Kiss as an expression of emotions
Kiss is one of the ways to express human emotions, as a rule – warm and loving relationships.
By the nature of the feelings they express, the following types of kisses can be distinguished:
A love kiss – expressing feelings of love and passion between lovers. Love kisses, which not only express emotions, but also excite partners, can be divided into gentle and passionate. Continue reading
So what is love?
What is love?
For centuries, different people have tried to give different answers to this question. But at least there is no practical answer. I have not met for 6 years of studying this issue, so it will be more objective. I noticed only one pattern: creative people fool the meaning of love with artistic images, and pundits, with the help of love, stick out the superiority of the human race over the rest of the animal world. But real love, without rose-colored glasses, handkerchiefs, bows, without evolutionary perfection, without divine foundations, is not said. I even began to think that love is a beautiful myth for the sublime parasitism of one person on another. Continue reading
How to make up with a girl?
To make peace with a girl and restore a relationship with her, you first need to ask her for forgiveness. Do not know how – learn (for example, at the University of practical psychology), but if you were wrong, you are sorry and ask for forgiveness. If you like a girl, you have more flowers.
At the same time, there are frequent situations when both sides were wrong – you and the girl as well. So, in this case, all the same, we begin by asking for forgiveness, flowers and restoring the relationship. And then – options. If a girl is smart and appreciates you, then after that we discuss her behavior. If a girl is only a girl and does not yet consider it necessary to think, then direct conversation is meaningless. Justice will not be here, it is still inevitable. Earn yourself a different price in the marriage market, become more expensive in the eyes of the girl, and when she really starts to value you, then in case of a quarrel – after a quarrel – you can discuss both your and her behavior. Continue reading