Pictures of happiness and love
Happiness pictures - images-pictures, applying which to life, we learn: “This is happiness!” If there…

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Kiss as an expression of emotions Kiss is one of the ways to express human…


The Tale of Parting
For people who are prone to worry, parting is a rich, beloved tale, accompanied by…

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Myths about love
Love without sex is not possible It is believed that sex should be between loving…

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Scientific way to save love, 100% guarantee

Arthur Aron, an American psychologist, is known not only for 36 questions with which you can fall in love with a stranger and fall in love with him. A real scientist, he explores the psychological phenomenon of love. The experience of “falling in love with 36 questions” was put about twenty years ago and is still amazing. But falling in love, in the end, is a simple matter, it’s really interesting how you can save the feeling, carry it through decades of life together, washing, children, animals, crises and diseases. Continue reading

A real woman is always a cat

The girl blooms into a girl, the girl becomes a woman and goes hunting. Considering men and looking for a man for themselves, a woman is always looking for a good owner for herself: that strong person who will protect and feed her. Having found such a person, she is looking for strings that will give her access to his heart.
Men are invaders, they need to win all and be first in everything. The task of the woman is different – to capture the invader. She should get the heart of the winner, so that he himself brought everything to her feet and asked her to accept these gifts. A real woman will never compete with a man, instead she will arrange a situation where he will seek her, and she will build artificial barriers to get him more expensive. Continue reading