Male and female needs for love
Men in love and intimacy are important in their strength and ability, the lack of…

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I do not like those who like me
"I don't like those who like me. And those I like, I don't like me!"…


Two decent women account for one decent man.
Among women, the sad statement is often heard that there are few decent men. Strangely…

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Love and psychological conflict
We are selfish by nature. Therefore, in our relationship, from the very beginning, a psychological…

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How to create a relationship with love

Everyone knows that feelings are needed to create relationships with love. But few people remember that feelings alone exist for some time without support, and then they subside and go out. In order for the relationship to please you and your partner for a long time, you need to invest in them, you need to deal with them.
What do we need from the relationship?
There are a number of general recommendations that allow you to make relationships stronger and happier. Continue reading

Love, relationships

Red: “Love and Relationship”
“To live with love.” If you loved yourself, people, things, things – what would you feel? How would you behave, how did you look, react, relate? As with the desire of what result would you work at the Distance? For what, for whom would you master the exercises?
“Who is the navel of the earth?” With your attention, make life and other people, not yourself. Listening, immerse yourself in the soul, body and work of the interlocutor, live his life. Get used to looking at everything first of all from the point of view of the person who is right next to you, and only then – from your bell tower. Practice jumping, work into the state of the interlocutor. Continue reading