What kills love
Love is a perishable product, and if you don’t take special care of love, it…

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How to find your person
How to find your own person - one or the other with whom you want…


Loved need attention signs
In life, everything happens. There are situations in life when a separate time is needed…

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Love and family
Love is currently one of the most common reasons for creating a family, but not…

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professional training

The Tale of Parting

For people who are prone to worry, parting is a rich, beloved tale, accompanied by deep experiences of usually negative nature. People usually begin to feel sadness, guilt, gratitude, love and other vivid emotions. Those who leave are beginning to be called “outcast”, which in the existing cultural tradition is considered a big blow to the person’s self-esteem and self-esteem. “Parting” – a popular theme of artistic and literary works. Continue reading

Lightning strike

He didn’t like someone who didn’t immediately fall in love, ”said William Shakespeare. And how much water has not flowed since those times, our contemporaries know this feeling well.
His gaze, having slightly touched, ran from top to bottom, lingering for a few moments on separate “details” … And, oh God! The power of unknown charms struck the mind. Passionate attraction to the essence of another world, alien and extraordinary at the same time, hopelessly won the heart.
People covered by such a state sometimes seem obsessed, they do not see what is happening before their eyes, they do not hear other words, and when they are slightly disturbed, they give the impression of people returning from afar. Continue reading

Love and psychological conflict

We are selfish by nature. Therefore, in our relationship, from the very beginning, a psychological conflict is already hidden – if I cannot live without a loved one, then I cannot do anything without it.
I think of a loved one. I am writing sms-ki favorite person. I fantasize about meeting. I remember the past.
On the other hand, if I realize myself in some kind of activity, then to the detriment of love. And how to be here? Continue reading