Femininity as a way of life
If men take care of you a little, do not give up their place, admire…

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How to find your person
How to find your own person - one or the other with whom you want…


The power of love: how loved - loved?
How do we understand that this is love, not cheap? How do we define the…

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Love and intimate relationships
Studies by ethologists have shown that the characteristics of men's and women's behavior are not…

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Do we have a love or a deal?

To the article “How to determine whether it is love or love?” the girl left a comment: “And what to do with self-esteem, if they only use your gifts?” – I answer: “Dear girl, do not be fooled: if you give something, you will be happy if a person uses it. “You are me – I am you. And love has nothing to do with it.”
Love can be different, love can be both a gift, and a bargain, barter. More common transactions, but apparently they are usually presented as a donation. This is a delusion or deception. Continue reading

Love, relationships

Red: “Love and Relationship”
“To live with love.” If you loved yourself, people, things, things – what would you feel? How would you behave, how did you look, react, relate? As with the desire of what result would you work at the Distance? For what, for whom would you master the exercises?
“Who is the navel of the earth?” With your attention, make life and other people, not yourself. Listening, immerse yourself in the soul, body and work of the interlocutor, live his life. Get used to looking at everything first of all from the point of view of the person who is right next to you, and only then – from your bell tower. Practice jumping, work into the state of the interlocutor. Continue reading

Do you know how to love? Art of love

Few people can love. If the main thing for you in love is to receive from your beloved what you need, you love yourself, not him, and in this sense you don’t know how to love.
If you love apples, what remains of this love? – A bit of …
Love is a reflection of a person’s personality. The love we are used to is not what we do, it is what happens to us, what we fall into. Speaking according to science, such love is a reactive attitude, it is an involuntary behavioral and emotional response of a human body to what has affected it in this direction. However, people can be not only organisms, sometimes they have reason and will, and then they can be responsible for their choices and for their feelings. In this case, another love is possible, rare love, love as a choice, decision and behavior. Continue reading