Scale Love
Its task is to assess its own attitude to love and determine the direction for…

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Профилактическая чистка кондиционеров.
Is it possible to create love without love
Sometimes it works. Who and under what conditions? Marriage of convenience There are interesting observations:…


Scale Love
Its task is to assess its own attitude to love and determine the direction for…

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The Tale of Parting
For people who are prone to worry, parting is a rich, beloved tale, accompanied by…

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will respond

How to make up with a guy?

Objectively, it is easier for a girl to make up with a guy than a guy to make up with a girl – if a girl honestly admits her wrongness in the case of a quarrel, the guys do not take offense for a long time. At the same time, it is subjective – the opposite is the case: girls are more difficult to make steps towards reconciliation than boys. Even if she herself understands that she was wrong and got stuck, it is very difficult for the girl to take the first step towards reconciliation, she has feelings in her soul, Samoyed rushes in, internal disassemblies take place … Actually, if you don’t have constant quarrels and you have a fight only now, everything is solved easily. Continue reading