They quarrel with you - it means you are needed!
A cat came to the man's house. She came to the man and stayed with…

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Male and female needs for love
Men in love and intimacy are important in their strength and ability, the lack of…


A real woman is always a cat
The girl blooms into a girl, the girl becomes a woman and goes hunting. Considering…

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Wedding: what seems to be before and what happens after
Dima, after the wedding: “I was wrong in Nadya. She turned out to be better…

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undesirable behavior


Parting as a life circumstance, as a reality – the decision that the future life together is inexpedient, physical removal (separation, termination of contacts) and termination of relations. Parting does not always end with the complete cessation of any relationship between people. It happens that parting turns out to be a stage towards the transition of relationships to a new qualitative level.
For people who are prone to worry, parting is a rich, beloved tale Continue reading

Lightning strike

He didn’t like someone who didn’t immediately fall in love, ”said William Shakespeare. And how much water has not flowed since those times, our contemporaries know this feeling well.
His gaze, having slightly touched, ran from top to bottom, lingering for a few moments on separate “details” … And, oh God! The power of unknown charms struck the mind. Passionate attraction to the essence of another world, alien and extraordinary at the same time, hopelessly won the heart.
People covered by such a state sometimes seem obsessed, they do not see what is happening before their eyes, they do not hear other words, and when they are slightly disturbed, they give the impression of people returning from afar. Continue reading

Scientific way to save love, 100% guarantee

Arthur Aron, an American psychologist, is known not only for 36 questions with which you can fall in love with a stranger and fall in love with him. A real scientist, he explores the psychological phenomenon of love. The experience of “falling in love with 36 questions” was put about twenty years ago and is still amazing. But falling in love, in the end, is a simple matter, it’s really interesting how you can save the feeling, carry it through decades of life together, washing, children, animals, crises and diseases. Continue reading