Our expectations.
Falling asleep in the evening, we expect that tomorrow will be morning. Leaving the train,…

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I do not like those who like me
"I don't like those who like me. And those I like, I don't like me!"…


The Tale of Parting
For people who are prone to worry, parting is a rich, beloved tale, accompanied by…

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Love languages
The language of love is the form and way in which one person gives his…

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several very

Male and female needs for love

Men in love and intimacy are important in their strength and ability, the lack of reproaches (acceptance of him as he is), appreciation for his care, admiration for his achievements, approval of his decisions and encouragement of his efforts. It is important for women to do something else, namely, concern, understanding, respect, loyalty, recognition, reinforcement of confidence.
These are the priority needs of men and women in love. Continue reading

Love and intimate relationships

Studies by ethologists have shown that the characteristics of men’s and women’s behavior are not unique: many animals have the same differences.
Monkey males have better spatial abilities and are more aggressive; females tend to cooperate and care for their neighbors. A reasonable question arises: why do they need it? The answer is fairly obvious: because they have different reproductive strategies. Continue reading

Scientific way to save love, 100% guarantee

Arthur Aron, an American psychologist, is known not only for 36 questions with which you can fall in love with a stranger and fall in love with him. A real scientist, he explores the psychological phenomenon of love. The experience of “falling in love with 36 questions” was put about twenty years ago and is still amazing. But falling in love, in the end, is a simple matter, it’s really interesting how you can save the feeling, carry it through decades of life together, washing, children, animals, crises and diseases. Continue reading