The power of love: how loved - loved?
How do we understand that this is love, not cheap? How do we define the…

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Love and family
Love is currently one of the most common reasons for creating a family, but not…


Love: sweet sickness of body and soul
Being in love is a trance state of charm and admiration, attraction and affection, a…

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Love men and women
When people talk about love, they most often mean love between a man and a…

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Love men and women

When people talk about love, they most often mean love between a man and a woman. You can talk about other areas of love – about love for children, for parents, about love for the Motherland or God, but it seems that the love of a man and a woman is the source of a conversation about love in general.
In the literature on love between a man and a woman, they write a lot and beautifully. In philosophical and theological treatises on love they write deeply and sublimely, I mean first of all high, pure love, Love with a capital letter. In ordinary life, love is not often found, but what is found on a high love seems a little. Continue reading