Love men and women
When people talk about love, they most often mean love between a man and a…

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Wedding: what seems to be before and what happens after
Dima, after the wedding: “I was wrong in Nadya. She turned out to be better…


Love, relationships
Red: "Love and Relationship" "To live with love." If you loved yourself, people, things, things…

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Love and affection
If people are in a close relationship, then naturally, attachment will naturally arise between them.…

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woman with whom

How to determine this love or love?

I want so much to be loved! Without love, life can be full and fun, exciting and contented, but as long as a person is alive, the heart still asks for love. And when the heart asks and the head is turned off, confusion begins: what is it about – about love or falling in love?
Love and love have many common features and signs. He wants to cuddle up to his beloved, thoughts strive to him, when he comes in, attention is magnetically riveted on him … – everything is like that, but this feeling may not be love, but only love. How to figure it out? How to determine this love or love? Continue reading