Can love burn all my life?
Can love burn all my life? In short, then: Love can not last forever and…

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In order not to suffer in the loss of a loved one
In order not to suffer in the loss of a loved one If you have…


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In the heart of every man there lives a hero or a knight in shining…

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In order not to suffer in the loss of a loved one
In order not to suffer in the loss of a loved one If you have…

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Cupboard love

Men (especially young) are often outraged: both partners get equal pleasure from love (and Hindus believe that women’s pleasure is nine times stronger than male), and still the gentleman has to win a lady, as if it is only he who needs … To give presents , to eat, to win dragons … Someone, after reading Weininger, believes in the originally evil nature of a woman, someone complains about the grave legacy of the past, when a woman was economically dependent, and all her acquisitions could be just gifts. Since then, they say, ladies and used to receive gifts … Someone postpones the root cause in cave times, when a pregnant or nursing woman could not hunt herself, and was forced to exchange her favor for the talents of a male hunter.
This is how a primitive man seems to have barely invented property, and the primitive man already offering this property in order to win her favor. And the wolf, having raised its prey, often drags its wolf, to whose attention it claims. There are even insect tolkunchiki, which have no brains, but only a pharyngeal ganglion, and then they go to mate, having only prepared a gift – a small cape woven from a web, with interwoven flies …
In insects, however, this happens for a completely different reason – the female needs to take something at the time of the apotheosis of love so that she does not eat the male, but still, what is the illustration, eh? He tries, multiplies, ensuring the life of the offspring, and she just to eat …
But in vain, by golly in vain gentlemen complain about female selfishness, and feminists are trying to cut off the monetary component of flirting in order to fight for equality. It seems to me that the roots of the phenomenon lie so deep that it is impossible to dismiss them and separate love from money as easily as flies from cutlets. And it’s not for nothing, oh, it’s not for nothing that prostitution is called the oldest profession …
Let’s see what a male needs to do in order to leave his own set of genes in the treasury of his own species.
He has to see a female from afar, evaluate her attractiveness (and an immature or aged female, just as sick and unviable is a bad helper for reproduction), catch up with her and … mate. Everything. That is, everything seems to be. And the brains of the male are arranged in the most appropriate way. First, a man is distinguished from a woman by a man at about the same distance as a person from another object. Amazing isn’t it? Secondly, all women know that men have one thing in mind, right? So from the side of men, everything seems to be clear.
It is enough for the female to turn its head, to make sure that the male who has attacked her deserves it, and … and you can continue to eat your banana. Therefore, by the way, there are so many publications containing images of attractive women, and not at all – attractive men. A woman is simply not oriented by nature to an active visual search. But the females must have the means to ward off the male unfit to be a father to her children …
But we missed a few important details. This male, knowing the happiness of love, completes its role in the process of reproduction. And the female needs to carry the offspring, feed it, protect it … And because of this, nature reasonably ordered the male to be given to help the female. So that he was near, defended from a saber-toothed tiger and went for a mammoth.
And here the interesting begins.
How will the female determine how well the male will protect her? In-from … Let him first bring a mammoth, prove that he is a good warrior, beat the other male to prove to the female that she chose the one who is stronger, spin around her chosen one to prove that she will not leave her with the little males. , and only after that the female will allow it to the boudoir joys.
Therefore, the male has to meet the ladies’ expectations – hang evidence of consistency on the skin, aggressively treat workmates to show the subject of uplifting at the right moment over competitors, treat you with an exquisite mammoth in a restaurant … In a word, perform the marriage ritual.
Feminists, denying gender inequality, practically block this behavior, and the poor male becomes unable to show the chosen one his ability to support or at least support the family, interrupting the mating dance of homo sapiens erctus in the early stages. Therefore, as I sympathize with the feminists in my heart, it seems to me that their ideas will not conquer the world.
Hence the idea of ​​prostitution is clear – the male mated, demonstrated his financial independence, and everyone is well … And the ritual is performed, and no extra time is spent. So prostitution may well be the oldest profession in the world.
But for women, love for money is needed much less in fewer cases: she is not so focused on visual search and mating for her only part of the happiness of owning her chosen one. But in the signs of consistency, competitiveness and defense, she can find quite erotic pleasure.