Can love burn all my life?
Can love burn all my life? In short, then: Love can not last forever and…

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Parting as a life circumstance, as a reality - the decision that the future life…


Can love burn all my life?
Can love burn all my life? In short, then: Love can not last forever and…

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Is it possible to create love without love
Sometimes it works. Who and under what conditions? Marriage of convenience There are interesting observations:…

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Male and female needs for love

Men in love and intimacy are important in their strength and ability, the lack of reproaches (acceptance of him as he is), appreciation for his care, admiration for his achievements, approval of his decisions and encouragement of his efforts. It is important for women to do something else, namely, concern, understanding, respect, loyalty, recognition, reinforcement of confidence.
These are the priority needs of men and women in love. Continue reading

Knight in shining armor

In the heart of every man there lives a hero or a knight in shining armor, most eager to succeed in the field of serving his lady and protecting her. Trust activates this noble part of his nature. He becomes more caring. Without feeling confidence, the man gradually loses his liveliness, energy, and in the end, he completely ceases to show concern.
Imagine a knight in shining armor, who slowly and dejectedly rides his horse through the desert terrain. Suddenly, female cries and sobs reach his ears. The knight instantly comes to life, plunges a spur into the mount, and rushes to the castle visible far in the distance. Plaque, he finds a dragon, trying to polonit the beautiful princess. The knight draws his sword, kills the dragon, and the princess happily thanks the savior. Continue reading