Love men and women
When people talk about love, they most often mean love between a man and a…

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How to create a relationship with love
Everyone knows that feelings are needed to create relationships with love. But few people remember…


How to determine this love or love?
I want so much to be loved! Without love, life can be full and fun,…

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Oxytocin causes married men to stay away from temptresses
PROBLEM: As you know, oxytocin, a hormone secreted by the pituitary gland (especially during orgasm…

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mating dance

Cupboard love

Men (especially young) are often outraged: both partners get equal pleasure from love (and Hindus believe that women’s pleasure is nine times stronger than male), and still the gentleman has to win a lady, as if it is only he who needs … To give presents , to eat, to win dragons … Someone, after reading Weininger, believes in the originally evil nature of a woman, someone complains about the grave legacy of the past, when a woman was economically dependent, and all her acquisitions could be just gifts. Continue reading