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How to make up with a guy?
Objectively, it is easier for a girl to make up with a guy than a…


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How to make up with a guy?

Objectively, it is easier for a girl to make up with a guy than a guy to make up with a girl – if a girl honestly admits her wrongness in the case of a quarrel, the guys do not take offense for a long time. At the same time, it is subjective – the opposite is the case: girls are more difficult to make steps towards reconciliation than boys. Even if she herself understands that she was wrong and got stuck, it is very difficult for the girl to take the first step towards reconciliation, she has feelings in her soul, Samoyed rushes in, internal disassemblies take place … Actually, if you don’t have constant quarrels and you have a fight only now, everything is solved easily.
Perhaps you poked around in a conversation and are now sulking and silent, looking to the sides of each other – do not worry, do not be afraid of anything until everything is fine. Nothing terrible happened, a quarrel at your age is a common thing: the sun is replaced by clouds, and then the sky clears. If you understand that you have spoken too much and want to make peace, all you need to do is do two things: give him a hand and sob. Well, that is, first make an upset attractive face, and then sob. If you just cry, he will be angry, and if you sob quietly, but gave him your hand, a normal guy will respond to your hand and you will cuddle.
A little harder will be further, you need to say “Forgive me!” – and continue to keep silent, or rather keep himself from further fights and conversations, why is he still wrong. By the way, it always helps if you quickly change the situation: if you were sitting – stand up, if you were standing – sit down, if you went in one direction – take him by the hand and turn in the other direction. For some reason, after such simple things, everything becomes different, a quarrel is over, you can start everything in an amicable way. Change the subject, and if something else needs to be discussed, it is better to postpone it later. So, as you said today – does not work, then you need to look for some other option. Or come up with it yourself, or consult with someone from smart people.
Another situation, if you have quarreled and have already fled. He does not call you, and you are thinking about how to call him again … as long as nothing terrible, do not scold yourself, and if you were wrong, write a simple letter to your boyfriend about it. You can also call, but by phone you can say not what follows, but in the letter you will be more careful, therefore the letter is more reliable. You do not need to write anything for a long time, something quite simple will do, for example:
You see, I quarreled with my sister, was in a bad mood and was angry at everyone, including myself. This happens with girls. Then you called, and instead of telling you everything, I continued to get angry … The conversation did not work out, because of this I was angry with myself even more and just freaked out …
In short, I need you, but I will not be so beech, I will tell you everything and I want to make peace with you. I am now sweet and beautiful.
If you quarreled more seriously, because he also told you a lot of unnecessary, sick and unfair things, it only means that a few extra sentences are added to the letter. So:
You see, I quarreled with my sister, was in a bad mood and was angry at everyone, including myself. This happens with girls. Then you called, and instead of telling you everything, I continued to get angry … The conversation did not work out, because of this I was angry with myself even more and just freaked out …
You also could not resist, huh? In short, we both talked to each other a bunch of stupid things. I propose to make peace. I apologize for my stupidity, another time I will tell you everything at once, you will understand me, support me, kiss me, and I will stop being angry. And I will be good. And from you flowers, you also ask me for forgiveness for your own and I want to see you.
If after that he comes in contact, he is well done, and you are clever, and you are fine.
If, after this, he does not make contact, then he is either dead, or still you are not meeting with the person you need to meet with. Through friends, you can ventilate the situation, what is happening with him, and if he received your letter, but still sulking at you, then the last thing you can do is call him briefly or visit him unexpectedly. After that, you either completely reconcile, or just parted. Both are much better than staying in limbo for a long time.
At the University of Practical Psychology, students work through many similar situations, learn to act and live wisely. On the one hand, this is a two-year professional training for coaches, consultants and coaches, on the other hand, these are two years of personal development and thinking. There I, Professor Nikolai Ivanovich Kozlov, work personally. Interesting – sign up for demo training and start learning.