Love: sweet sickness of body and soul
Being in love is a trance state of charm and admiration, attraction and affection, a…

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Love and relationship
Love and relationships are different things. There are couples with fiery and bright love -…


Is it possible to create love without love
Sometimes it works. Who and under what conditions? Marriage of convenience There are interesting observations:…

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Love and affection
If people are in a close relationship, then naturally, attachment will naturally arise between them.…

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different things

Wedding: what seems to be before and what happens after

Dima, after the wedding: “I was wrong in Nadya. She turned out to be better than I thought. ”
The phrase I heard only once in my life
Before the wedding, dreams are typical, after the wedding – disappointments. It was believed that the holidays of infrequent meetings would turn into a continuous holiday. It was believed: “We will get married – and we will become better, and love – stronger.” Got married There was a registration, and the miracle did not happen: we remained the same and with the same problems. Continue reading

What does it mean for you to love?

If you and I love each other – and we mean the same thing – we successfully answered what love is.
However, when considering the situation with 3 and 4 positions, such self-sufficiency may not be enough. How long can loving each other keep love? How useful and effective will their love be for their children, for the society in which they live? And by the way, if we start to disagree on love – how can we find a common opinion? In short, with all the individuality and diversity of love, it makes sense to speculate about it theoretically. Continue reading

What is love worth?

“I love you!” – what are these words worth?
“I love you, dear, but today is football, and football is dearer to me than you!”
“I love you, honey, but my child does not want us to meet, and I am writing this farewell letter to you …”
The value of the beloved and the beloved has always been influenced by local culture and accepted patterns. Thus, in the medieval culture, the Lady of the Heart always stood above the wife. Continue reading