How to make up with a guy?
Objectively, it is easier for a girl to make up with a guy than a…

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Cupboard love
Men (especially young) are often outraged: both partners get equal pleasure from love (and Hindus…


Love, relationships
Red: "Love and Relationship" "To live with love." If you loved yourself, people, things, things…

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What does it mean for you to love?
If you and I love each other - and we mean the same thing -…

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reasonable people


Parting as a life circumstance, as a reality – the decision that the future life together is inexpedient, physical removal (separation, termination of contacts) and termination of relations. Parting does not always end with the complete cessation of any relationship between people. It happens that parting turns out to be a stage towards the transition of relationships to a new qualitative level.
For people who are prone to worry, parting is a rich, beloved tale Continue reading