Is it possible to create love without love
Sometimes it works. Who and under what conditions? Marriage of convenience There are interesting observations:…

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Is it possible to create love without love
Sometimes it works. Who and under what conditions? Marriage of convenience There are interesting observations:…


How to determine this love or love?
I want so much to be loved! Without love, life can be full and fun,…

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Parting as a life circumstance, as a reality - the decision that the future life…

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same proportion

What kills love

Love is a perishable product, and if you don’t take special care of love, it quickly disappears by itself. Term – from a month to a year. However, let us clarify: in this case it is a question of ordinary love, which is usually not love at all, but only love or affection. True love has a different, more reliable nature, and over the years it only changes its shades, but does not disappear anywhere. Continue reading