What does it mean for you to love?
If you and I love each other - and we mean the same thing -…

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A real woman is always a cat
The girl blooms into a girl, the girl becomes a woman and goes hunting. Considering…


Wedding: what seems to be before and what happens after
Dima, after the wedding: “I was wrong in Nadya. She turned out to be better…

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What does it mean for you to love?
If you and I love each other - and we mean the same thing -…

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friend was shocked

Is it possible to create love without love

Sometimes it works. Who and under what conditions?
Marriage of convenience
There are interesting observations: if a family is created by decent people who can be grateful, then over time their relationship can gradually include elements of romanticism, even if at first there was no love between them. As a result, an established relationship can grow into true love, it happens!
Not everyone can – fall in love. It’s like a talent – someone is deprived of it. Continue reading