Parting as a life circumstance, as a reality - the decision that the future life…

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And what should a man do with such a kitty?
Let us proceed from the fact that biology has nothing to do with this: this…


The mechanism of convergence can be described through the metaphor of flowing water. Here comes…

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Love and psychological conflict
We are selfish by nature. Therefore, in our relationship, from the very beginning, a psychological…

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more likely

Love and intimate relationships

Studies by ethologists have shown that the characteristics of men’s and women’s behavior are not unique: many animals have the same differences.
Monkey males have better spatial abilities and are more aggressive; females tend to cooperate and care for their neighbors. A reasonable question arises: why do they need it? The answer is fairly obvious: because they have different reproductive strategies. Continue reading

Two decent women account for one decent man.

Among women, the sad statement is often heard that there are few decent men. Strangely enough, in this case it is not a myth, it is true: statistically reliably for two decent women there is one decent man. However, the conclusions that can and should be drawn from here are not obvious. Moreover, as a rule, wrong conclusions are drawn from this, but in order to understand this, it is necessary to sort out this issue in more detail. Continue reading