Two decent women account for one decent man.
Among women, the sad statement is often heard that there are few decent men. Strangely…

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Pictures of happiness and love
Happiness pictures - images-pictures, applying which to life, we learn: “This is happiness!” If there…


Love: sweet sickness of body and soul
Being in love is a trance state of charm and admiration, attraction and affection, a…

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Love Formula
The formula of love should not be confused with the formula of love. The formula…

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decisions and actions

Love and intimate relationships

Studies by ethologists have shown that the characteristics of men’s and women’s behavior are not unique: many animals have the same differences.
Monkey males have better spatial abilities and are more aggressive; females tend to cooperate and care for their neighbors. A reasonable question arises: why do they need it? The answer is fairly obvious: because they have different reproductive strategies. Continue reading