In order not to suffer in the loss of a loved one
In order not to suffer in the loss of a loved one If you have…

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Two decent women account for one decent man.
Among women, the sad statement is often heard that there are few decent men. Strangely…


The Tale of Parting
For people who are prone to worry, parting is a rich, beloved tale, accompanied by…

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The Tale of Parting
For people who are prone to worry, parting is a rich, beloved tale, accompanied by…

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feelings were

Wedding: what seems to be before and what happens after

Dima, after the wedding: “I was wrong in Nadya. She turned out to be better than I thought. ”
The phrase I heard only once in my life
Before the wedding, dreams are typical, after the wedding – disappointments. It was believed that the holidays of infrequent meetings would turn into a continuous holiday. It was believed: “We will get married – and we will become better, and love – stronger.” Got married There was a registration, and the miracle did not happen: we remained the same and with the same problems. Continue reading