Scale Love
Its task is to assess its own attitude to love and determine the direction for…

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Can love burn all my life?
Can love burn all my life? In short, then: Love can not last forever and…


The mechanism of convergence can be described through the metaphor of flowing water. Here comes…

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In order not to suffer in the loss of a loved one
In order not to suffer in the loss of a loved one If you have…

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love formula

Love Formula

The formula of love should not be confused with the formula of love. The formula of love tells about the conditions when we fall into the state of love-love. The formula of love – says that as we can and should give to those whom we love.
The search for the formula of love is the search for a short formulation that expresses the essence of Love with a capital letter. It seems, however, that there is absolutely no one Formula. There are different strong formulations, each of which highlights its meaning in true love. Continue reading