Oxytocin causes married men to stay away from temptresses
PROBLEM: As you know, oxytocin, a hormone secreted by the pituitary gland (especially during orgasm…

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Wedding: what seems to be before and what happens after
Dima, after the wedding: “I was wrong in Nadya. She turned out to be better…


How to make up with a girl?
To make peace with a girl and restore a relationship with her, you first need…

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Love Formula
The formula of love should not be confused with the formula of love. The formula…

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undesirable behavior

And what should a man do with such a kitty?

Let us proceed from the fact that biology has nothing to do with this: this behavior of girls and women is only the result of appropriate education. But then – is it necessary to educate girls? Will women with a similar style of behavior be happy in their personal lives, will their loved ones be happy next to them? The question is not simple. If this is the style of behavior of an elite woman, who thereby emphasizes her exclusivity and willingness to build relationships only with the strongest and most worthy men – everything is correct, all the more so for a strong man the behavior of such a Kitty is not a problem. If the usual young girl behaves this way only because for young people she is now sexually attractive, it’s more likely a ridiculous behavior that in some years will harm her herself. Indeed, her attractiveness in ten years is no longer the same, but the absurd and arrogant behavior remains. Continue reading