Cupboard love
Men (especially young) are often outraged: both partners get equal pleasure from love (and Hindus…

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Love and affection
If people are in a close relationship, then naturally, attachment will naturally arise between them.…


How to find your person
How to find your own person - one or the other with whom you want…

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The Tale of Parting
For people who are prone to worry, parting is a rich, beloved tale, accompanied by…

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I do not like those who like me

“I don’t like those who like me. And those I like, I don’t like me!” – a very common sadness (often female) and a topic for consultation. What is worth thinking about?
It must be admitted that there is a completely real circumstance behind this: there are indeed fewer normal men than normal women. If we do not consider the elite and the sludge (it is difficult to reach the elite, but the sludge is not interesting to us), then on average the ratio of decent women and men is two to one. That is, two women have to fight for the attention of one normal man. It is sad, but it is. This should be taken as a fact and simply reflect on what you can personally do in such a difficult situation.
And what really can be done? Continue reading

Our expectations.

Falling asleep in the evening, we expect that tomorrow will be morning. Leaving the train, the girl expects from the guy a hand on which she can lean. The expectations of adequate people is an idea of ​​what is likely to happen.
However, there are other expectations. If I’m really looking forward to writing, my desire, my WANT, and my belief that I MUST write a letter are behind this. Wishes and beliefs, our WANT and confidence that SOMEONE SOMETHING SHOULD be the basis of subjective expectations, which are associated with dreams and excitement, experiences and disassembly. Continue reading

Scientific way to save love, 100% guarantee

Arthur Aron, an American psychologist, is known not only for 36 questions with which you can fall in love with a stranger and fall in love with him. A real scientist, he explores the psychological phenomenon of love. The experience of “falling in love with 36 questions” was put about twenty years ago and is still amazing. But falling in love, in the end, is a simple matter, it’s really interesting how you can save the feeling, carry it through decades of life together, washing, children, animals, crises and diseases. Continue reading