I do not like those who like me
"I don't like those who like me. And those I like, I don't like me!"…

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And what should a man do with such a kitty?
Let us proceed from the fact that biology has nothing to do with this: this…


They quarrel with you - it means you are needed!
A cat came to the man's house. She came to the man and stayed with…

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Male and female needs for love
Men in love and intimacy are important in their strength and ability, the lack of…

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discussed directly

Do we have a love or a deal?

To the article “How to determine whether it is love or love?” the girl left a comment: “And what to do with self-esteem, if they only use your gifts?” – I answer: “Dear girl, do not be fooled: if you give something, you will be happy if a person uses it. “You are me – I am you. And love has nothing to do with it.”
Love can be different, love can be both a gift, and a bargain, barter. More common transactions, but apparently they are usually presented as a donation. This is a delusion or deception. Continue reading