How to make up with a girl?
To make peace with a girl and restore a relationship with her, you first need…

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Love and psychological conflict
We are selfish by nature. Therefore, in our relationship, from the very beginning, a psychological…


Parting as a life circumstance, as a reality - the decision that the future life…

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Do you know how to love? Art of love
Few people can love. If the main thing for you in love is to receive…

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not interesting

Scale Love

Its task is to assess its own attitude to love and determine the direction for personal development. The use of the scale forces us to carefully and self-critically evaluate ourselves in three directions: love for yourself, expectations from love and readiness for some actions in the name of love. The scale, which allows at least a first approximation to evaluate this invaluable feeling, gives users a tool to improve themselves, to develop new, stronger relationships.
The scale Love-2 includes five objective sensations:
interest. Security question: Are we interested in each other? Continue reading