What kills love
Love is a perishable product, and if you don’t take special care of love, it…

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Our expectations.
Falling asleep in the evening, we expect that tomorrow will be morning. Leaving the train,…


Oxytocin causes married men to stay away from temptresses
PROBLEM: As you know, oxytocin, a hormone secreted by the pituitary gland (especially during orgasm…

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Loved need attention signs
In life, everything happens. There are situations in life when a separate time is needed…

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feels loved

Male and female needs for love

Men in love and intimacy are important in their strength and ability, the lack of reproaches (acceptance of him as he is), appreciation for his care, admiration for his achievements, approval of his decisions and encouragement of his efforts. It is important for women to do something else, namely, concern, understanding, respect, loyalty, recognition, reinforcement of confidence.
These are the priority needs of men and women in love. Continue reading