Love and intimate relationships
Studies by ethologists have shown that the characteristics of men's and women's behavior are not…

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Scale Love
Its task is to assess its own attitude to love and determine the direction for…


Love and relationship
Love and relationships are different things. There are couples with fiery and bright love -…

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Love: sweet sickness of body and soul
Being in love is a trance state of charm and admiration, attraction and affection, a…

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prove to the female

Cupboard love

Men (especially young) are often outraged: both partners get equal pleasure from love (and Hindus believe that women’s pleasure is nine times stronger than male), and still the gentleman has to win a lady, as if it is only he who needs … To give presents , to eat, to win dragons … Someone, after reading Weininger, believes in the originally evil nature of a woman, someone complains about the grave legacy of the past, when a woman was economically dependent, and all her acquisitions could be just gifts. Continue reading