Love and affection
If people are in a close relationship, then naturally, attachment will naturally arise between them.…

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Parting as a life circumstance, as a reality - the decision that the future life…


What kills love
Love is a perishable product, and if you don’t take special care of love, it…

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They quarrel with you - it means you are needed!
A cat came to the man's house. She came to the man and stayed with…

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shoot himself

The power of love: how loved – loved?

How do we understand that this is love, not cheap? How do we define the power of love, which helps us answer the questions “Love or not? Love or just like? How much?” How many people – so many answers.
Everyone has their own language of love: the language of mindfulness or the language of gifts, the language of the time given to you only – or the language of help, the language of greedy sex, tender touches, the language of admiring words and the language of obedience. Continue reading