And what should a man do with such a kitty?
Let us proceed from the fact that biology has nothing to do with this: this…

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Loved need attention signs
In life, everything happens. There are situations in life when a separate time is needed…


Kiss as an expression of emotions Kiss is one of the ways to express human…

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Love and intimate relationships
Studies by ethologists have shown that the characteristics of men's and women's behavior are not…

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They quarrel with you – it means you are needed!

A cat came to the man’s house. She came to the man and stayed with him, because here she was warm and comfortable. She was beautiful and did not hide her beauty, she could be ironed, and then she purred. When a man just sat, she gladly rubbed on his legs. Hardly she stroked him like this, to a greater degree she received stroking herself. But it suited the man, and he left the kitty. And then … Then the kitty settled down: she began to meow loudly when there was no milk in the bowl, she was no longer a guest lying on the bed, but the hostess, and when she was driven away, she hurt her claws and scratched. And it was already impossible to understand whether it was a joke or seriously. Continue reading

How to make up with a guy?

Objectively, it is easier for a girl to make up with a guy than a guy to make up with a girl – if a girl honestly admits her wrongness in the case of a quarrel, the guys do not take offense for a long time. At the same time, it is subjective – the opposite is the case: girls are more difficult to make steps towards reconciliation than boys. Even if she herself understands that she was wrong and got stuck, it is very difficult for the girl to take the first step towards reconciliation, she has feelings in her soul, Samoyed rushes in, internal disassemblies take place … Actually, if you don’t have constant quarrels and you have a fight only now, everything is solved easily. Continue reading

Femininity as a way of life

If men take care of you a little, do not give up their place, admire little and say few compliments … If you do not catch admiring glances of men passing by … If there haven’t been flowers in your house for a long time … If you think that a man will not do it better than you and he cannot to commission anything … If a man says to you: “What are you arguing with me all the time ?!” – these are signs that you urgently need to return your femininity. Continue reading